Creamy Goat Cheese Grits Recipe on Food52 (2024)

One-Pot Wonders

by: Merrill Stubbs



5 Ratings

  • Serves dinner for one, or—if you must share—enough for two as a side dish

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Author Notes

Amanda and I often find ourselves talking about dishes that would make a great "dinner for one." Although neither of us lives alone anymore, there are still those inevitable evenings spent home alone, when the challenge of cooking for one stares you right in the face.

It's rare that I get too fired up about concocting something elaborate just for me. More often, I see it as a nice excuse to whip up something easy and comforting—like these goat cheese grits I first threw together one night years ago when I was actually living alone. I still make them whenever I'm in need of a soul-satisfying one dish dinner. They're creamy and soft (I add a bit of milk to the cooking liquid), with just the right amount of tang from the goat cheese and a nice hit of heat from coarsely ground black pepper. —Merrill Stubbs

  • Test Kitchen-Approved

What You'll Need

  • 1/2 cupgrits (not instant)
  • 1/2 teaspoonsalt, plus more to taste
  • 1/2 cupmilk, plus a few more tablespoons if necessary
  • 1/4 cupfresh goat cheese
  • 1/4 cupgrated parmesan
  • coarsely ground black pepper
  1. Combine the grits, salt, milk and 2 cups cold water in a medium saucepan. Set the saucepan over medium-high heat and bring the mixture to a boil, whisking frequently. When it reaches a boil, turn the heat all the way down and cover the saucepan. Simmer the grits, whisking occasionally, until they are creamy and tender to the bite, 8 to 10 minutes.
  2. Whisk in the goat cheese and the parmesan, adding a bit more milk if the mixture seems too thick. Taste the grits and add more salt if necessary. Whisk in a few generous grinds of black pepper, spoon into a large bowl and eat right now!


  • American
  • Goat Cheese
  • Milk/Cream
  • Cheese
  • Grains
  • One-Pot Wonders
  • Winter
  • Fall
  • Vegetarian
  • On the Cheap
  • Entree
  • Breakfast

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13 Reviews

Davamustian February 24, 2022

It was wonderful—made it as written. Next time I think I’ll use chicken stock and nix the salt. The savory slant appeals to me with this.

Katherine V. May 1, 2020

I just made this and added in some finely chopped kale at the end and topped it with a fried egg and oh my goodness. The most delicious, creamy thing ever. I was sad when it was gone!

I just made this and added in some finely chopped kale at the end and topped it with a fried egg and oh my goodness. The most delicious, creamy thing ever. I was sad when it was gone!

Taylorjean07 October 4, 2018

I used gorgonzola instead of goat cheese because that's what I had, and it came out wonderfully! I like my grits a bit thicker so will probably do slightly less water next time. Also feel like it would be incredible with roasted garlic, that is my next addition.

Noneof Y. April 11, 2018

Has anyone tried this with a different kind of cheese? Not everyone in my family will eat goat cheese.

piggledy January 28, 2018

Here I was, thinking the ratio of liquid to grits was off, then I read the two cups of water, with relief! This sound like a wonderful dinner - I usually make grits or polenta in the rice cooker - can’t imagine it wouldn’t work as well in this recipe. You’ve just given us a reason to add goat cheese to the grocery list! Thank you, I look so forward to making this!

Raquel G. June 25, 2014

I normally do my grits with chicken stock; which of course would eliminate the salt in this recipe. Has anyone tried it this way?

Danielle June 13, 2014

If you have fresh herbs on hand, they make an excellent addition. I went for a slightly different ratio, a bit more goat cheese and a bit less pecorino romano (subsituted for the parmesan), and it was delightful. I love a scoop of this with an over-easy egg on top for breakfast, it's become my standard breakfast staple.

Danielle June 19, 2014

Alternately, a chunk of butter and a drizzle of maple syrup is incredible.

hadas April 10, 2013

this was delicious! for a breakfast variation, i added craisins, crush walnuts and a pinch of cinnamon. it came out great :)

TryItSheSaid October 8, 2012

This was revelatory! I may never make grits with butter again. It also made such great use of the ingredients I had on hand. Love when that actually works.

lacerise March 21, 2011

This dish is luscious and soul-satisfying. I'm feeling under the weather and my daughter is making it for me right now. It's become a staple in our house.

KLL5 January 9, 2010

I made this... with the addition of spinach into the pot at the last minute to wilt it... it was wonderful. I then made it for dinner and sauteed garlic/broccoli/corn with white wine and served it on top. It was a big hit.

Creamy Goat Cheese Grits Recipe on Food52 (2024)


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Name: Annamae Dooley

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